jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

Assignment 1: Noisy channel

For this homework we need to do a simulation of a noisy channel where we have a binary input alphabet with probabilities that can handle the success or fail to pass a word that we would like to transmit.

For do this experiment I use a combination between:

  • Python that took for parameters:
    • Size of the word
    • frequency of succeed
    • Probability for one that can transmit
    • Probability for zero that can transmit  
    • Times that we want to do an experiment.
  • In a Bash do:
    • Change the frequency of succeed
    • Change Probability for one and zero
    • Call to the python script to change those variables
  • In AWK I can:
    • Obtain a mean and also an standard deviation.

Then we use gnuplot to interpret the data that we obtain, so in the following plot I will explain about who a noisy channel works and how all the data that we use in the experiment are connected each other and made that a channel fail or success in transmit binary data.

This is a graphic that I generated for demonstrate that, when I augmented the size of the binary word, the success for transmit is  almost nothing, both if we have a word for example 2**0, the test only send 1 bit, so we have a many chances that this bit can transmit.

Also, this is another graphic that we can see that, when we have a large word we have a 0 probability to send the word correctly, so we can view the circle in black express the standard deviation that we can compute in the AWK script.

This are the same graphics but separated between the probability success 1 and 0.

We can notice that, when we have more frequency of zeros and more probability of success of 1, the probability of zeros is poor, so the standard deviation is going to down, that is because the word transmit more 1 than 0.





This is my GitHub.

2 comentarios:

  1. En el código faltó la desviación estándar y el reporte se pudiera haber mejorado en términos de claridad de análisis. 4+4.

  2. Corrijo a mi misma. 5 pts por el código.
